Negative Advertising

Negativity in advertising doesn't work. That's the general view in advertising. At least when it comes to criticising your rivals. I agree this makes you look weak and desperate but are there times when negative advertising can make you look positive?

A great example to start this debate was the elections in America this year. I must confess, I'm no expert on the election and the day-to-day happenings, but the overall feeling I got from the debates I saw was that McCain always pointed out faults with Obama (most of them untrue) and Obama never retaliated. Who came out looking more composed, intelligent and president-like? Obama of course! But he wasn't all about compliments himself.

Check out this ad for McCain's campaign. I believe this was a killer blow to McCain's already faltering attempt at presidency, and do you know why? You guessed it. Negativity.

But then we see Obama's counter to McCain's bullshit.

He's negative towards McCain but it's so cleverly done that he still seems to come off on a positive note. But then, maybe that's because he's exposing a lie.

Customers want success, sunshine and happiness. Ads should point them in the direction of these things – not the opposite. I don't want to know what your competitor can't do for me. I want to know what YOU CAN do for me. Maybe the only time this doesn't happen, and negative methods are used, is when a product can't do anything better or different; when a USP is impossible to find. McCain was just another Bush – Obama was black and ran his campaign on change. Is that why McCain resorted to negativity?